Environmental Policy Statement
Drukkerij Aeroprint is a printing company. Our core activity is providing graphic productions in the broadest sense of the word. The needs of our customers and other stakeholders are important metrics for our company policy. They also determine which choices we will make as management, in order to remain a well-operating and competitive company. A well-known social question before us is the ever-increasing need of our customers for a more sustainably produced product/service. The responsible use of raw materials and auxiliary materials and the handling of industrial waste generated is an important part of this. The management is aware that the production activities (may) be harmful to the environment. We therefore consider it our social responsibility to keep our immediate living environment liveable, now and in the future. That is why we strive to make our production process as 'clean' as possible and we will make every effort to do so. Drukkerij Aeroprint wants to achieve this by introducing and maintaining an environmental management system that complies with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. The management will make sufficient time and resources available to realize this main objective. The main general environmental objectives we have set ourselves are:
- compliance with all laws and regulations relevant to our company, in particular the Environmental Management Act (the Activities Decree);
- purchasing less environmentally harmful additives;
- where possible, reducing the consumption of raw materials and consumables by including sustainability aspects directly in the design phase;
- where possible, use sustainably produced paper (such as FSC®);
- where possible, applying less burdensome processes and techniques (for example, the phasing out and reduction (sm52) of IPA / 100% use of K3 detergents / the application of so-called vegetal inks / recyclability of our product / CO2 footprint);
- careful separation and removal of hazardous and other industrial waste so that they can be processed optimally (circular economy);
- reduction of energy consumption by means of the Energy Performance Inspection Creative Industry (EPK);
- awareness of the employees of their responsibility towards the living environment;
A well-functioning environmental management system can only be achieved with positive input from everyone who works within our organization. It is therefore of great importance that every employee is aware of the scope of our environmental policy. We will therefore pursue an information policy that is as active as possible. In order to maintain the quality of our environmental management system, internal audits will be performed periodically into the degree of environmental awareness in the workplace (good housekeeping), compliance with applicable laws and regulations (legal audit) and the actual operation of our management system. On the basis of the results obtained from the internal audits, the management will annually test the actual environmental performance achieved against previously established objectives (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs). On request, we will inform our external stakeholders (in particular customers / local authorities / suppliers) about our achieved environmental performance. It is precisely through an open dialogue with our stakeholders that it becomes possible for our organization to work on the further implementation of its environmental policy in an economically responsible manner. Now and in the future.
Erwin Koerts
Drukkerij Aeroprint